City News and Announcements

  • Reminder! Garbage and Recycling Collection

    Due to President’s Day, garbage and recycling collection is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th.

  • Closed for the Holidays

    In observance of the holidays, Eldon City Hall will be closed on Tuesday, December 24, and Wednesday, December 25. It will also be closed on Tuesday, December 31, and Wednesday,…

  • Veterans Day

    The City of Eldon would like to thank all Veterans for their service to this nation. As a reminder, garbage and recycling collection services will be held on Tuesday, November…


City Clerk

Carrie Teninty

Phone: 641-652-7510


Deputy City Clerk

Patty Robertson

Phone: 641-652-7510


City Hall

100 5th Street

PO Box 367

Eldon, IA 52554