Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:00-4:00
Wednesday 8:00-4:00
Thursday 8:00-4:00
Friday 8:00-4:00
Saturday Closed
Month: June 2021
Ongoing wastewater discharge in Eldon follows heavy rains
ELDON—Heavy rains in Wapello County Thursday night washed out a sewer pipeline in Eldon. Localized flooding swept out a concrete pier, collapsing a 40-foot section of pipe crossing a creek…
Clean Up Assistance
If you are in need of clean up assistance from Thursday night’s flood, please contact Tim Richmond at Wapello County Emergency Management, 641-814-8333, or the Eldon City Hall, 641-652-7510, to…
City Hall Open
City Hall will be open on Monday, June 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Residents that need clean up kits may come in at that time. We also need…
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City Clerk
Carrie Teninty
Phone: 641-652-7510
Email: cityeldon@netins.net
Deputy City Clerk
Patty Robertson
Phone: 641-652-7510
Email: cityeldon@netins.net
City Hall
100 5th Street
PO Box 367
Eldon, IA 52554