
  • Snow Emergency Route

    Due to the National Weather Service forecast, the City of Eldon’s Snow Emergency Ordinance will be placed into effect Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 10:00 p.m., and continue until 12:00…

  • Garbage and Recycling Collection

    Garbage and Recycling collection will be Tuesday, February 21, 2023 due to the observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 20, 2023.

  • Derelict and Abandoned Properties

    The City has been working on rehabilitating derelict and abandoned properties. Pictured are 3 properties that have been worked on recently.


Roger Gosnell

Phone: 641-652-7510

Email: cityeldon@netins.net

City Clerk

Carrie Teninty

Phone: 641-652-7510

Email: cityeldon@netins.net

Deputy City Clerk

Patty Robertson

Phone: 641-652-7510

Email: cityeldon@netins.net

City Hall

100 5th Street

PO Box 367

Eldon, IA 52554